Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2nd Entry

Lacey is back in town and this is not going to end well. Miller is uncontrollable. Nothing is going to hold him back from seeing her, holding her... But will she even remember him? He really isn't preoccupied by that thought, his priority is reaching her. The gang is terrified that he'll get flagged by the handlers or worse...
I am actually very afraid to find out whether or not Lacey has any memory of Miller because although he seems to be on top of it now i'm not sure he could handle seeing her everyday and for it not to be her , because she is not Lacey , not that girl he fell in love with. At the very most she could be Lacey's clone. Which isn't even completely true because she doesn't even look the same anymore. She's now a clean slate, a beautiful little rhinestone;  shiny but not real.
Something about all of these characters stands out to me, their determination. They seem to have no inhibitions in spite of all the barriers put around them. Obviously these teens aren't free to live but it's very impressive how they take charge and ultimately put themselves in control of their fates. I think I'm becoming attached...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Rabbit Threw Out His Sandal

"The Rabbit Threw Out His Sandal" is a South American folktale of mayan decent. The main hero is the Rabbit Mayor. He was wronged the people of his world and they have decided to kill him once he comes out of his rabbit hole. As a folktale hero this rabbit does not possess all of the traits he should, he is not incredibly kind although he is very clever he knows to trick the townspeople to survive. He is an ordinary character ..

Thursday, October 3, 2013

1st Entry

The Program...
   In my opinion a good book captivates you from the beginning and never lets go, well let's just say I'm captivated and I haven't even finished the second chapter. Imagine a world where teenagers were no longer free to be teenagers and would constantly have to hide their emotions and not be so flamboyant all the time. We wouldn't really be teenagers anymore would we? ( because let's face it that's all were made out of : mood swings and hormones) Well that is precisely what a teenager's reality is in this world. Where teenage suicide is an epidemic and the Program is the cure...
    So far I think I've met all the really important characters: Sloane, James , and Miller being the most important. Sloane is a quiet girl who lays low but not too low just because that's how things work in the program you don't really want to be noticed, in either direction. James is her boyfriend and currently my favorite character, only because he is so extremely supportive of her knowing that she just lost her brother to the "epidemic".
   Miller is sort of their third wheel and the reason for that is not because he isn't desirable (haha) no it's just one of the perks of the program. This is where being noticed can lead to miserable things, Lacey Thompson, Miller's girlfriend (well ex now that she can't remember , just wait I'll explain :D) was a strong girl. Little by little she started showing signs that she was withering away, signs that the Program looks for. She was sent away to treatment only weeks later. Here's the catch treatment consists of brainwashing the subject so they don't remember having any suicidal thoughts but it just so happens they don't remember anything else either. 
This is the program.. Makes me wonder if death isn't better.