Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2nd Entry

Lacey is back in town and this is not going to end well. Miller is uncontrollable. Nothing is going to hold him back from seeing her, holding her... But will she even remember him? He really isn't preoccupied by that thought, his priority is reaching her. The gang is terrified that he'll get flagged by the handlers or worse...
I am actually very afraid to find out whether or not Lacey has any memory of Miller because although he seems to be on top of it now i'm not sure he could handle seeing her everyday and for it not to be her , because she is not Lacey , not that girl he fell in love with. At the very most she could be Lacey's clone. Which isn't even completely true because she doesn't even look the same anymore. She's now a clean slate, a beautiful little rhinestone;  shiny but not real.
Something about all of these characters stands out to me, their determination. They seem to have no inhibitions in spite of all the barriers put around them. Obviously these teens aren't free to live but it's very impressive how they take charge and ultimately put themselves in control of their fates. I think I'm becoming attached...

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